Saudi Cup 2021 - Highlights

The richest horse race in the world, the $20-million Saudi Cup, was supposed to be between U.S. imports Charlatan and Knicks Go on Saturday, and it wasn’t until the stretch when Mishriff kept gathering momentum and went by Charlatan to win by about a length.
Saudi Cup 2021 - Highlights
The richest horse race in the world, the $20-million Saudi Cup, was supposed to be between U.S. imports Charlatan and Knicks Go on Saturday, and it wasn’t until the stretch when Mishriff kept gathering momentum and went by Charlatan to win by about a length.
Available languages: English, Spanish
Festival screening: K. Tosaki, David Egan, Keita Tosaki, Ryan Moore, Adel Alfouraidi
Custom Tag 3: Military Law, Mishriff, Derevo, Charlatan, Knicks Go
Also know as: "Thrilling race at Saudi Cup as Mishriff surprises with a win over American imports" ★★★★☆ - The New York Times 🏇
Country: Saudi Arabia
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