Classic with Ton Koopman

The young Russian pianist Alexandra Dovgan is exceptionally talented. She was born in 2007 and has already performed at many of the most prestigious venues, including Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and the Berliner Philharmonie. World-renowned pianist Grigory Sokolov elevates her to new heights and she has performed solos with the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra and the symphony orchestra at the Moscow Conservatory, where she is still a student. Here, she will play Beethoven’s charming and elegant Piano Concerto No. 2.
Classic with Ton Koopman
The young Russian pianist Alexandra Dovgan is exceptionally talented. She was born in 2007 and has already performed at many of the most prestigious venues, including Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and the Berliner Philharmonie. World-renowned pianist Grigory Sokolov elevates her to new heights and she has performed solos with the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra and the symphony orchestra at the Moscow Conservatory, where she is still a student. Here, she will play Beethoven’s charming and elegant Piano Concerto No. 2.
Available languages: Ton Koopman, English, Spanish, French, English, Spanish
Festival screening: Alexandra Dovgan, Julia Kretz-Larsson, Ulrika Jansson, Cannes Film Festival
Custom Tag 3: Anders Jonhäll, Hans Larsson, Bengt Ny
Also know as: "'Classic with Ton Koopman' showcases the exceptional talent of young pianist Alexandra Dovgan, elevated to new heights by Grigory Sokolov's accompaniment." ★★★★☆ - The Times 🎹
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