City Lights

City Lights is the first silent film that Charlie Chaplin directed after he established himself with sound accompanied films. The film is about a penniless man who falls in love with a flower girl. The film was a great success and today is deemed a cult classic.
City Lights
City Lights is the first silent film that Charlie Chaplin directed after he established himself with sound accompanied films. The film is about a penniless man who falls in love with a flower girl. The film was a great success and today is deemed a cult classic.
Available languages: Farky, English, Spanish, French, English, Spanish
Festival screening: Cannes Film Festival
Also know as: "A timeless classic that captures the heart of romance and the struggles of poverty." ★★★★★ The New York Times 🎥💕💔💰
Director: Charles Chaplin
Cast: Charles Chaplin, Emily Blunt
Country: US
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