Transformers - Enter the Nightbird

The fate of humanity is at stake when two races of robots, the good Autobots and the villainous Decepticons, bring their war to Earth. The robots have the ability to change into different mechanical objects as they seek the key to ultimate power. Only a human youth, Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) can save the world from total destruction.
Transformers - Enter the Nightbird
The fate of humanity is at stake when two races of robots, the good Autobots and the villainous Decepticons, bring their war to Earth. The robots have the ability to change into different mechanical objects as they seek the key to ultimate power. Only a human youth, Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) can save the world from total destruction.
Age rating:

Foul language
Available languages: English, Spanish, English, Spanish, French, English, Spanish
Festival screening: Cannes Film Festival, Cannes Film Festival
Also know as: "Transformers-Enter the Nightbird could have been a decent movie, but a weak plot and lackluster acting make for an underwhelming experience." ★★☆☆☆ The New York Times 🎥
Directors: Damien Chazelle, Director First, Directir Second
Cast: Emily Blunt, Actor First, Actor Second
Country: Great Britain
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